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Climb and safely remove alder tree

Tree Removal

We specialize in tree removal.


Whether a tree is dead or dying, obstructing or endangering your property, in the way of new construction, or crowding structures or other trees, we can remove it safely.


We offer a full-service tree removal from bid to clean up. Your property will be protected, your tree removed safely and all debris cleaned and removed.

If you prefer to keep the wood or chips from your tree, please let us know in advance.


And, as always, we are available by phone or email for any questions or concerns you may have along the way.

Trimming and Pruning

Why prune or trim?


  • Regular trimming keeps trees strong and creates sturdy growth.

  • Pruning for tree health may involve trimming to prevent disease or infestation or pruning away diseased or infested areas to return your tree to good health.

  • Thinning and shaping can provide a more pleasing look or make room for other trees to grow.

  • Selective trimming can prevent branches from falling on your structures, vehicles or other valuables.

  • Proper pruning can reduce wildfire risk.


Not sure if your tree needs pruning? Give us a call. We’ll be happy to take a look and offer a bid if needed.


And, as always, we are available by phone or email for any questions or concerns you may have.

Mistletoe removal from oak tree

Mistletoe Removal

What is mistletoe?

A parasitic plant that extracts water and nutrients from the tree weakening the tree and making it susceptible to disease, rot or insect infestation.


How does it spread?

Mistletoe produces seeds that are primarily spread from infected trees by birds, either through droppings or by sticking to their feet.


Why remove it?

Pruning can be a safe and effective means of ridding a tree of mistletoe and can return a tree to a healthy state. Additionally, removing mistletoe from affected trees will help protect other trees in the area.


Please contact us by phone or email for any questions, a bid, or to schedule mistletoe removal.

Emergency and Hazardous Tree Removal

We have years of experience in safe removal of hazardous trees!


  • For storm damaged trees and storm cleanup

  • Trees or branches threatening or on structures

  • Trees or branches leaning over or into service drops

  • Trees blocking roadways or driveways


Sometimes tree emergencies are one of a kind. If you are concerned, please contact us right away.


We’ll get it out quickly and safely, and as always, with full clean-up of the site.


Not sure if it’s an emergency? Give us a call and we’ll check it out.

Emergency tree removal from rooftop
Cabling and bracing

Cabling and Bracing


Tree cabling and bracing is a proactive approach to reinforcing a tree with structural weaknesses. This method helps to alleviate stress and damage caused by factors such as high winds, heavy snow or ice loads, and abundant foliage. By taking a preventative approach, tree cabling and bracing helps to ensure the long-term health and stability of the tree.


Think you may have a tree in need of cabling or bracing?  Get in touch with us and we can schedule a consult.

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